Page:Excellent new song, called The blae berries.pdf/5

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My feet are all torn, my shoes are all rent,
I am wearied with travel just like to faint,
Were it not for the sake of your kind company,
I would lie in this desart until that I die.

The day is far spent, and the night coming on,
Then step you aside to yon bonny mill town,
And there you ask lodging for thee and for me,
For glad would I be in a barn to be.

The place it is bonny and pleasant indeed,
But the people’s hard harted to us that’s in need
Perhaps they will not grant us barn nor byre,
But I shall go and ask them as it’s your desire.

The lassie went formost, sure I was to blame,
To ask for a lodging myself I thought shame,
The lassie replied with tears not a few,
It’s ill ale said the lassie that’s four when it’s new,

A sweet chrystal river near by to a grove.
His flocks they were feeding in numberless droves;
Allan stood musing his flocks for to see,
Come away my brave Allan it’s no pleasure to me.

A beautiful laddie with green tartan treuse,
And two bonny lassies were bughting in ewes,
They said honoured master are you come again,
For long have we been thinking for you coming home.