Page:Excellent new song called the farmer's glory.pdf/3

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So our trade is more ancient,
Than is the painful-plow.
Then ſaid the jolly plowman,
No calling I deſpiſe,
For each man has his living,
Upon his trade relies;
And Adam was a gard’ner,
Which he has cauſe to rue,
For ſoon he loſt the garden.
And went to hold the plow.
He had the whole tutation,
Of every thing was there,
Except the tree of knowledge,
Whoſe fruit appeared ſo fair,
That nothing elſe could pleaſe him,
Of all the fruit that grew,
For which he loſt the garden,
And went to hold the plow
Tho’ Adam in the garden,
Was ſet to keep it right,
Let tell me how long ſtaid he,
For I think not one night,
He eat not of his labours,
But what was not his due,
So was put from the garden,
And ſent to held the plow.
Old Adam was the plowman,
When plowing was begun,
The next that him ſucceeded;
Was Cain his eldeſt ſon,
Some of each generation,
This calling doth purſue,