Page:Excellent new song called the farmer's glory.pdf/7

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We need not blame the plow.
For we have malt and barley,
With plenty of each grain;
And if our ale be weakly,
The leſs it harms our brain,
We’ll get but little beef or cheeſe,
And cloaths we’ll get but few,
So we must learn to be content.
With what ſprings from the plow
Such things is now become so dear,
Beef, mutton, wool, and cheeſe,
Great men for ſuch commodities
Can juſt have what they pleaſe,
The poor no meat nor cloaths,
Nor any thing that’s new,
For every thing gives double price,
But what ſprings from the plow.
We hear from diſtant nations,
Of wars by land and ſea,
Still making preparations,
Striving for monarchie.
Still making new encroachments,
Upon each others due,
While we are glad to live in peace,
With what ſprings from the plow.
Three mighty powers in Europe,
Againſt us do advance,
Led by the crafty motions of
That reſtleſs Fox of France.
May heavens ſend aſſiſtance,
To quell that reſtleſs crew,