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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 15 / Tuesday, January 26, 2021 / Presidential Documents

  1. an analysis of their agency’s capacity to produce, provide, and distribute pandemic response supplies;
  2. an assessment of their agency’s procurement of pandemic response supplies on the availability of such supplies on the open market;
  3. an account of all existing or ongoing agency actions, contracts, and investment agreements regarding pandemic response supplies;
  4. a list of any gaps between the needs identified in section 2(a)(i) of this order and supply chain delivery, and recommendations on how to close such gaps; and
  5. a compilation and summary of their agency’s existing distribution and prioritization plans for pandemic response supplies, which shall include any assumptions or planning factors used to determine such needs and any recommendations for changes to such assumptions or factors.

(e) The COVID–19 Response Coordinator, in coordination with the heads of appropriate agencies, shall review the report described in section 2(d) of this order and submit recommendations to the President that address:

  1. whether additional use of the Defense Production Act, by the President or agencies exercising delegated authority under the Act, would be helpful; and
  2. the extent to which liability risk, regulatory requirements, or other factors impede the development, production, and procurement of pandemic response supplies, and any actions that can be taken, consistent with law, to remove those impediments.

(f) The heads of agencies responsible for completing the requirements of this section, as appropriate and in coordination with the COVID–19 Response Coordinator, shall consult with State, local, Tribal, and territorial authorities, as well as with other entities critical to assessing the availability of and need for pandemic response supplies.

Sec. 3. Pricing. To take steps to address the pricing of pandemic response supplies: (a) The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall promptly recommend to the President, through the COVID–19 Response Coordinator, whether any changes should be made to the authorities delegated to the Secretary by Executive Order 13910 of March 23, 2020 (Preventing Hoarding of Health and Medical Resources To Respond to the Spread of COVID–19), with respect to scarce materials or materials the supply of which would be threatened by accumulation for the purpose of hoarding or price gouging.

(b) The Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall promptly review and provide to the President, through the COVID–19 Response Coordinator, recommendations for how to address the pricing of pandemic response supplies, including whether and how to direct the use of reasonable pricing clauses in Federal contracts and investment agreements, or other related vehicles, and whether to use General Services Administration Schedules to facilitate State, local, Tribal, and territorial government buyers and compacts in purchasing pandemic response supplies using Federal supply schedules.

Sec. 4. Pandemic Supply Chain Resilience Strategy. Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (APNSA), the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, the COVID–19 Response Coordinator, and the heads of any agencies or entities selected by the APNSA and COVID–19 Response Coordinator, shall provide to the President a strategy to design, build, and sustain a long-term capability in the United States to manufacture supplies for future pandemics and biological threats. This strategy shall include: