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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 23, 2021 / Presidential Documents

(b) If an agency determines that performance of the contract in the same locality or localities is reasonably necessary to ensure economical and efficient provision of services, then the agency shall, to the extent consistent with law, include a requirement or preference in the solicitation for the successor contract that it be performed in the same locality or localities.

Sec. 5. Exclusions. This order shall not apply to:

(a) contracts under the simplified acquisition threshold as defined in 41 U.S.C. 134; or

(b) employees who were hired to work under a Federal service contract and one or more nonfederal service contracts as part of a single job, provided that the employees were not deployed in a manner that was designed to avoid the purposes of this order.

Sec. 6. Exceptions Authorized by Agencies. (a) A senior official within an agency may grant an exception from the requirements of section 3 of this order for a particular contract by, no later than the solicitation date, providing a specific written explanation of why at least one of the following circumstances exists with respect to that contract:

(i) Adhering to the requirements of section 3 of this order would not advance the Federal Government’s interests in achieving economy and efficiency in Federal procurement;
(ii) Based on a market analysis, adhering to the requirements of section 3 of this order would:
(A) substantially reduce the number of potential bidders so as to frustrate full and open competition; and
(B) not be reasonably tailored to the agency’s needs for the contract; or
(iii) Adhering to the requirements of section 3 of this order would otherwise be inconsistent with statutes, regulations, Executive Orders, or Presidential Memoranda.

(b) To the extent permitted by law and consistent with national security and executive branch confidentiality interests, each agency shall publish, on a centralized public website, descriptions of the exceptions it has granted under this section, and ensure that the contractor notifies affected workers and their collective bargaining representatives, if any, in writing of the agency’s determination to grant an exception.

(c) On a quarterly basis, each agency shall report to the Office of Management and Budget descriptions of the exceptions granted under this section.

Sec. 7. Regulations and Implementation. (a) The Secretary of Labor (Secretary) shall, to the extent consistent with law, issue final regulations within 180 days of the date of this order to implement the requirements of this order, other than those specified in sections 6(b) and (c) of this order.

(b) Within 60 days of the Secretary issuing final regulations, the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council (FAR Council), to the extent consistent with law, shall amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation to provide for inclusion in Federal procurement solicitations and contracts subject to this order the clause described in section 3 of this order.

(c) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall, to the extent consistent with law, issue guidance to implement section 6(c) of this order.

Sec. 8. Enforcement. (a) The Secretary shall have the authority to investigate potential violations of, and obtain compliance with, this order. In such proceedings, the Secretary shall have the authority to issue final orders prescribing appropriate sanctions and remedies, including, but not limited to, orders requiring employment and payment of wages lost. The Secretary may also provide that, if a contractor or subcontractor has failed to comply with any order of the Secretary or has committed willful violations of this order or the regulations issued pursuant thereto, the contractor or subcontractor, and its responsible officers, and any firm in which the contractor