(i) pursue building electrification strategies in conjunction with carbon pollution-free energy use, deep-energy retrofits, whole-building commissioning, energy and water conservation measures, and space reduction and consolidation;
(ii) design new construction and modernization projects greater than 25,000 gross square feet to be net-zero emissions by 2030;
(iii) implement CEQ’s Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings in building design, construction, and operation of all new Federal buildings and renovated existing buildings; and
(iv) use performance contracting, in accordance with the provisions of section 1002 of the Energy Act of 2020 (Public Law 116–133, division Z), to improve efficiency and resilience of Federal facilities, deploy clean and innovative technologies, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from building operations.
Sec. 206. Increasing Energy and Water Efficiency. Each agency shall increase facility energy efficiency and water efficiency and shall establish targets for fiscal year 2030 for agency-wide facility energy use intensity and potable water use intensity, with consideration of performance benchmarks for categories of building types (e.g., hospitals, office buildings) and the composition of the agency’s building portfolio. Sec. 207. Reducing Waste and Pollution. Each agency shall minimize waste, including the generation of wastes requiring treatment and disposal; advance pollution prevention; support markets for recycled products; and promote a transition to a circular economy, as defined in section 2 of the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act (Public Law 116–224), by annually diverting from landfills at least 50 percent of non-hazardous solid waste, including food and compostable material, and construction and demolition waste and debris by fiscal year 2025; and 75 percent by fiscal year 2030. Sec. 208. Sustainable Acquisition and Procurement. (a) Agencies shall reduce emissions, promote environmental stewardship, support resilient supply chains, drive innovation, and incentivize markets for sustainable products and services by prioritizing products that can be reused, refurbished, or recycled; maximizing environmental benefits and cost savings through use of full lifecycle cost methodologies; purchasing products that contain recycled content, are biobased, or are energy and water efficient, in accordance with relevant statutory requirements; and, to the maximum extent practicable, purchasing sustainable products and services identified or recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (b) The Chair of CEQ shall consider establishing Federal food procurement policies to reduce associated greenhouse gas emissions and drive sustainability in the Federal food supply chain. Sec. 209. Adapting the Federal Government to the Impacts of Climate Change. Consistent with its mission, each agency shall: (a) develop or revise polices and processes to promote climate resilient investment that advances adaptation to climate change and protects public health and the environment; (b) conduct climate adaptation analysis and planning for climate-informed financial and management decisions and program implementation; (c) reform agency policies and funding programs that are maladaptive to climate change and increase the vulnerability of communities, natural or built systems, economic sectors, and natural resources to climate impacts, or related risks; and (d) develop and enhance tools that assess climate change impacts and support climate adaptation planning and implementation. Sec. 301. Federal Supply Chain Sustainability. Federal supply chains should support a Government and economy that serves all Americans by creating and sustaining well-paying union jobs, protecting public health, advancing |
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 236 / Monday, December 13, 2021 / Presidential Documents