Page:Executive Orders 7262-8027.djvu/82

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Table II

Men traveling on duy where cooked or travel rations are not furnished for the journey shall be granted daily allowances as follows:

Travel status including detention not exceeding three days at one place. Travel Status involving detentions
For fourth to sixth day (inclusive) of detention at one place for seventh to thirty-first day (inclusive) of detention at one place
A.—Sleeping-car, stateroom accommodations, or other quarters furnished:
(a) Subsistence $2.25 $1.65 $1.40
B.—No sleeping-car, stateroom accommodations or other quarters furnished:
(a) Subsistence
(b) Quarters
C.—Special—Alaska, Europe, and South America:
(a) Subsistence
(b) Quarters (if not furnished by the Government)

Note 1. When in a travel status allowances for subsistence shall be computed as follows for the day of departure from and arrival at station: The day to begin at midnight; for 18 hours or more in travel status, one whole day; for 12 hours or more but less than 18 hours in travel status, two-thirds of one day; for less than 12 hours in travel status, one-third of one day. No allowance shall be paid for the first day of a journey which begins after 6 o'clock p.m.

Note 2. In determining the allowance for quarters a fractionalpart of a day will be computed as a whole day, the day to begin at midnight. No allowance shall be paid for the first day of a journey which begins after 6 o'clock p.m.

Note 3. Men absent under orders from their regular stations upon duty which involves travel and also temporary detentions during the journey shall be deem. ed to be traveling under orders during the entire period of such absence. Allowances for the periods spent in actual travel, including detentions not exceeding three days, will be computed as on a "travel status" basis. Allowances for periods of detention in excess of three days shall be as indicated in Table II. For longer periods of detention at one place, the allowances prescribed in Table I will govern after the first thirty-one days.

This order supersedes Executive Orders No. 4728 of September 29, 1927, No. 5022 of January 5, 1929, No. 5256 of January 3, 1930, No. 5288 of February 26, 1930, No. 6605 of February 17, 1934, and No. 7224 of November 13, 1935.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The White House,

February 14, 1936.

[No, 7293]