Page:Executive Orders 7262-8027.djvu/92

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Executive Order

Regulations Governing the Preparation, Presentation, Filing, and Distribution of Executive Orders and Proclamations

By virtue of and pursuant to he authority vested in me by the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), and as President of the United States I hereby prescribe the following regulations governing the preparation, presentation filing, and distribution Of Executive orders and proclamations:

  1. Proposed Executive orders and proclamations shall be prepared in accordance with the foilewing requirements:

    (a) A suitable title for the order or proclamation shall be provided.

    (b) The authority under which the order or proclamation is promulgated shall be Cited in the body thereof.

    (c) Punctuation, Capitalization, orthography, and other matters of style shall conform to the most recent edition of the Style Manual Of the United States Government Printing Office.

    (d) The spelling of geographic names shall conform to the most recent official decisions made pursuant to Executive Orders No. 27-A, of September 4, 1890, No. 399, of January 23, 1906, and No. 6680, of April 17, 1934.

    (e) Descriptions of tracts of lands shall conform, so far as practicable, with the most recent edition of the "Specifications for Descriptions of Tracts of Land for Use in Executive Orders and Proclamations", published by the Federal Board of Surveys and Maps.

    (f) Proposed Executive orders and proclamations shall be typewritten on paper approximately 8 by 12 inches, shall have a left-hand margin of approximately 2 inches and a right-hand margin of approximately 1 inch, and shall be double-spaced, except that quotations, tabulations, or descriptions of land may be single spaced.

  2. The proposed Executive order or proclamation shall first be submitted to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget. If the Director of the Bureau of the Budget approves it, he shall transmit it to the Attorney General for his consideration as to both form and legality. If the Attorney General approves it, he shall transmit it to the Director of the Division of the Federal Register, the National Archives. If it conforms to the requirements of paragraph 1 hereof, the Director of the Division of the Federal legister shall transmit it and three copies thereof to