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kingdoms, and perſons. Yet we obſerve how he has pointed out plainly, many things which has come to paſs in our days; ſuch as the extirpation of the noble race of the Stewarts, the revolution, Sheriff-muir, &c. where he ſays,
That three Ships and a Shield,
That day ſhall keep the Field;
And be the Antelope's beild.
Theſe three ſhips and a ſhield, are in the Duke of Argyle's arms; and even every particular of the rebellion in 1745 and 46, when pointing at, he ſays, a chieftan unchoſen, ſhall chooſe forth himſelf, and rule the realm as his own, when at King Charles, he calls him a ſly fox bird, who would turn to Chriſt with toads or foxes wyles, meaning his ſwearing the covenants. When ſpeaking of the battle of Preſton-pans in the year 1745, he names the very two neighbouring villages to the ſpot of ground whereon it was fought, to wit, Goyſeford Green and Seton. ſaying, Between Seton and the ſea, ſorrow ſhall be wrought by the light of the moon, which actually came to paſs that morning the battle of Preſton-pans was fought ; but how the Lion was hurt at this time and not perceived, is yet a myſtery. Some are of opinion, that it is by taking away the power or ſuperiority from the chiefs of the Highland Clans, ſo that they cannot raiſe men in ſuch a ſhort time as formerly.
Theſe are a few of the obſervations we make on things already come to paſs, and as what