my lord, we was aboon ither on the mussel midden. I trow I tell'd him o' Randy Rab, his uncle, his ain titty, it steal d de sards and drank de siller, and how his mither sald auky mutton an mair than a' that, my Lord.
My Lord had a friend, a captain in the army, who came to visit him, and having heard of the Backers sayings and exploits, was desirous to see them. My Lord, to put them in a fright, sent his servant to order them, all men and women, to come up before his gate to-morrow about kail time; and all that did not come, was to flit and remove out of my Lord's ground directly. This put the whole town in a terrible consternation; some ran to Wise Willie to see if he could tell what it meant. Willie said, that it was before something: and he said he was sure doath was the worst o't, come what will. But Witty Eppie said I ken well what's to come, he's gaun to make de men o's a' soldiers, and the wives dragoons, because they're the best fighters; I ken there's something to come on the town, for our Nancy saw Maggy's ghaist the screen, it was buried about four weeks sinsyne. A hech, co' Willie, that's a sign the meal is dear in the ither warld, when she comes back to this ane again; we'll tak our dinner afore we gae to my Lord, we'll may be ne'er come back again. So away they went, lamenting, all in a crowd. My Lord and the Captain was looking over the window when they arrived; and the Captain