it happened on a day that two o' their wives near the than found a horse-shoe, and brought it home and seat for Willie to see what it was, Willie comes and looks at it; indeed co' Willie its a thing and holes in't. I kent co' they he would get a name till't. A ho, co' Willie whar did ye find it. Aneath my Lord's ain house Willie. Adeed said Willie, it's the auld moon, I ken by the holes in't, for nailing it to the lift, but I wonder it she fell in Fife, for the last time it I saw her, she was hinging on her back aboon Edinburgh. A hech, co Willie we'll set her upon the highest house in the town, and we'll hae moon light o' our ain a' the days o' the year. The whole town ran to see the moon; bout tout said Witty Eppie, ye're but a' fools thegither; it's but ane o' the things it my Lord's mare wears upon her lufe.
At another time one of their wives found a hare with its legs broken, lying among her kail in the yard. She not knowing what it was, called out to her neighbours to see it. Some said it was a gentleman's cat, or my lady's (illegible text) dog or a sheep's young kitlen, because it had ⟨nae⟩ horns, na (illegible text), cried Wise Willie, it's ane ⟨o' the maukins⟩ it gentlemen's dogs worries. ⟨What⟩ will we do ⟨with⟩. Hoch, co' they all, w(illegible text), and make fish and sauce o't (illegible text) Tammie's parich. Na na, said Witty (illegible text)e, better gie't to my Lord, an he'll stap an iron stick through the guts o't, an gar't