page I. Louis Joliet, Re-discoverer of the Mississippi,9 II. Peter le Moyne, Siere d'Iberville, Founder of Louisiana,41 III. Jonathon Carver, the Explorer of Minnesota,71 IV. Captain Robert Gray, the Discoverer of the Columbia River,88 V. Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieut. William Clark, First Trans-Continental Explorers of the United States,105 VI. Zebulon Montgomery Pike, Explorer of the Sources of the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers,163 VII. Charles Wilkes, the Discoverer of the Antarctic Continent,194 VIII. John Charles Frémont, the Pathfinder,212 IX. Elisha Kent Kane, Arctic Explorer,240 X. Isaac Isreal Hayes, and the Open Polar Sea,272 XI. Charles Frances Hall, and the North Pole,293 XII. George Washington De Long, and the Siberian Arctic Ocean,312 XIII. Paul Belloni Du Chaillu, Discoverer of the Dwarfs and Gorillas,330 XIV. Stanley Africanus and the Congo Free State,349