Page:Exploring the Internet.djvu/28

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Exploring the Internet

had been unable to find enough OSI software to keep their internal network going, so they used a combination of Novell and TCP/IP.

My allotted hour was nearing the end, so I once again began mumbling conciliatory phrases about experiments, cooperation, and similar appropriate fin-de-meeting noises.

"So what do you want from us?" Dr. Zakharov cut in, ever the diplomat.

I pulled out my extra large shovel and explained that since ISO obviously had concerns about the experiment, I was simply here to explain my efforts. "By the way," I continued, "ISO is welcome to join in our little experiment. I have plenty of disk space left."

Zakharov grunted. McKenzie sat.

Zakharov rose. McKenzie rose.

Our little meeting was over.

Back at the ITU, the machinery had swung into action and, with a few false starts, my tapes were being cut.