Page:Extraordinary deliverance of Elizabeth Shaw.pdf/6

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Margaret Horne, an inhabitant of St, Peter du Port in the Isle of Guernsey (a woman of unblemished character, about 70 years of age,) came to me to Les Torres, to be electrified, hoping it would cure her of a settled deafness by which she had been long afflicted. I gave her a few gentle shocks through the head which were followed by such a severe headache as deterred her from making a second trial. This continued nearly a month when in a very singular manner she was cured of that, together with a severe pain in her stomach and bowels, by which she had been long much distressed.

One evening having combed out her gray hair, and according to her custom tied it on the top of her head, (which it would barely do, being very short,) she went to bed and the next morning was astonished to find that her hair had in the night increased eight or ten inches in length. She immediately called Mrs Johnson, with whom she lodges, who on viewing it was equally