From April 1948 until May 1952 the Bureau was the only U.S. agency, other than NSA, aware of this Russian MGB traffic. During that time were working on the traffic in conjunction with and, consequently,we know were aware of this traffic. In June 1948 Col. Forney advised that the Navy and Air Force should not be notified of the existence of information. In May 1952, through the insistence and pressure put on NSA by General Walter Bedell Smith, then head of CIA, that agency was given access to information and has received and worked on it since that time. Although the Navy, Air Force and State are members of the U.S. Communications Intelligence Board (USCIB) and as such are entitled to receive information, they have not received it to date, except those original decodes which were given to the Navy in April 1948. Thereafter, the Navy was not given any other decodes.
In rare cases where consideration is given to dissemination of information by the Bureau, clearance is first obtained from NSA and if no objection is raised by that agency the information is paraphrased to protect the source. The information can then be given only to one cleared to receive communications intelligence material. Very few people in the Government are so cleared.
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