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TO: L. V. BoardmanDATE: November 26, 1957

FROM: A. H. Belmont



We have brought up to date the summary entitled, “Operations of the MGB Residency at New York, 1944-45” on the basis of [Venona project] information. Revised pages have been inserted in copies maintained at the Bureau. The Appendix to this summary contains write-ups on each of the individuals who have been identified from [Venona project] information or investigation arising therefrom. A total of 206 persons have been identified as having been active in Soviet intelligence operations for the MGB in the United states and a chart breaking this figure down is set forth in this memorandum. This memorandum was initially prepared for the Director on 10-26-50 and was brought up to date every 6 months until October 1955. It was approved in April, 1956, this memorandum be brought up to date on an annual basis. It is noted that the   is also brought up to date at the same time annually and includes substantially the same information included in this summary and appendix with the exception of the   cover names. This summary includes 10 additional identifications made during the past year. Our experience has shown that the information being obtained from [Venona project] is diminishing and it is anticipated that additional identification will be made less frequently than in the past. For this reason as well as the fact that the   includes substantially the same information, it is believed that the annual process of bringing this memorandum up to date be discontinued. However, as identifications are made, individual write-ups will be prepared and inserted into this summary and appendix in order that it will be current at all times.


If you approve, in the future the annual process of bringing up to date this summary will be discontinued and additional inserts will be prepared as identifications are made.