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Appendix A

Glossary of Terms

  1. î-fòng faat-yôn* 地方法院
    local law court (court of first instance)
  2. kò-aang faat-yôn* 高等法院
    district court (court of appeal, superior court)
  3. kò-aang faat-yôn* (Aaî-Lị̄ Yôn*) 最高法院 (大理院)
    The Supreme Court
  4. mīn-lhoô hīng 民事庭
    civil court
  5. yīng-lhoô hīng 刑事庭
    criminal court
  6. kiem-ch'aat kòn 檢察官
    district attorney or procurator
  7. faat-kòn 法官
  8. p'oī-sim yōn 陪審員
    juror or jury
  9. faat-loôt 法律
  10. ngoōn-kò 原告
    plaintiff; complainant
  11. pî-kò 被告
    defendant, the accused
  12. hoì hīng 開庭
    to open court; court