There's No Truſting to the Fair Words and Countenances of Bloudy Men: He’s fare to be Ruin’d that lays himſelf at the Mercy of Thoſe that Live upon the Spoyle. Their very Complements are Snares; as the Lyons Invitation of the Bull to Sup with him, was but the Cover of a Deſign he had to Supp upon the Bull himſelf.
Fab. CXXI.
A Lyon in Love.
A Lyon fell in Love with a Country Laſs, and deſir'd her Father’s Conſent to have her in Marriage. The Anſwer he gave was Churliſh enough. He'd never Agree to't he ſay'd, upon any Terms, to Marry his Daughter to a Beaſt. The Lyon gave him a Sowr Look upon't, which brought the Bumkin, upon Second Thoughts, to ſtrike up a Bargain with him, upon theſe Conditions; that his Teeth ſhould be Drawn, and his Nailes Par'd; for Thoſe were Things, he ſay'd, that the Fooliſh Girle was Terribly afraid of. The Lyon ſends for a Surgeon immediately to do the Work; (as what will not Love make a Body do?) And ſo ſoon as ever the Operation was Over, he goes and Challenges the Father upon his Promiſe. The Countryman ſeeing the Lyon Diſarmd, Pluck’d up a Good Heart, and with a Swindging Cudgel ſo Order'd the Matter, that he broke off the Match.
The Moral.