Page:Fables of Aesop and other eminent mythologists.djvu/235

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Fab. CCII.

A Lyon and a Frog.

A Lyon that was Ranging about for his Prey, made a Stop all on a Sudden at a Hideous Yelling Noiſe he heard, which not a little Startled him. The Surprize put him at firſt into a Shaking Fit; but as he was looking about, and Preparing for the Encounter of ſome Terrible Monſter, what ſhould he ſee but a Pityful Frog come Crawling out from the Side of a Pond. And is This All? (ſays the Lyon) and ſo betwixt Shame and Indignation he put forth his Paw, and Paſh'd out the Guts on't.


There's no Reſiſting of Firſt Motions; but upon Second Thoughts we come Immediately to our ſelves again.


THE Surprize of the Lyon is to teach us that no Man living can be ſo Present to Himſelf, as not to be put beſide his Ordinary Temper upon ſome Accidents or Occaſions; but then his Philoſophy brings him to a Right Underſtanding of Things, and his Reſolution carries him thorough All Difficulties. It is Another Emphatical Branch of This Emblem, that as the Lyon Himſelf was not Thorough-Proof againſt This Fantaſtical Alarum; ſo it was but a Poor Wretched Frog all this while, that Diſcompos'd him, to ſhew the Vain Opinion and Falſe Images of Things, and how apt we are to be Tranſported with Thoſe Fooleries, which, if we did but Underſtand, we ſhould Deſpiſe. Wherefore 'tis the Part of a Brave, and a, Wiſe-Man to Weigh, and Examine Matters without Delivering up himself to the Illuſion of Idle Fears, and Panick Terrors. It was in truth,
