THE Advantages of Time and Place are enough to make a Poultron Valiant. There's Nothing ſo Couragious as a Coward if you put him out of Danger. This way of Brawl and Clamour, is ſo Arrant a Mark of a Daſtardly Wretch, that he does as good as Call himſelf ſo that Uſes it. The Kid behind the Door has the Priviledge of a Lord Mayors Fool. He's under Protection: he One is Scurrilous, and the Other Saucy; and yet Theſe are the Two Qualities that paſs but too frequently in the ord for Wit and Valour.
An Aſs to Jupiter.
A Certain Aſs that ſerv'd a Gard’ner, and did a great deal of Work for a very Little Meat, fell to his Prayers for Another Maſter. Jupiter Granted his Requeſt, and turn'd him over to a Potter, where he found Clay and Tile ſo much a Heavyer Burden then Roots and Cabbage, that he went to his Prayers once again for Another Change. His next Maſter was a Tanner; and there, over and above the Encreaſe of his Work, the very Trade went againſt his Stomach: For (ſays he) I have been only Pinch'd in my Fleſh, and Well Rib-Roaſted ſometimes under my Former Maſters; but I'm In now for Skin and All.
The Moral.