Page:Face to Face With the Mexicans.djvu/587

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suppressed, for it is in these regions that the strong arm of the law should be most heavily laid. In general, too, the chief disturbers of the peace are unworthy of protection.

Let the consulates be filled by discreet and just men. When they can be selected from among those living on the border, speaking each other's language and having some acquaintance with each other's customs, a great advantage is gained.

Neither government should be regarded as intending wrong, violating the laws of nations or treaties, until the case be too plain for dispute. When either republic violates the rights of citizens of the other, let peaceful arbitration heal the breach.

A new era is dawning in Mexico. The advent of railways is opening a wide field; her people are rousing from their slumber. The government is extending her protection over the poor as well as the rich classes, and rapid progress is witnessed on every side. The wealthy and powerful of the Mexican Republic owe it to themselves to let the spirit of freedom and independence find full growth in the bosoms of all, from the toiling peon on the hacienda to the wild, dark Indian in the fastnesses of his mountains.

The administration of President Diaz marks a glorious epoch in Mexican history, and the law recently passed by Congress, making a second term constitutional, gives a still brighter outlook for the future. A few decades with governments like that inaugurated by him and the co-operation of the powerful men in Mexico, and the republic will take rank with the foremost nations.

Far from placing a bar to her progress, it behooves us to extend the right hand of fellowship, and hasten rather than impede a consummation so devoutly to be wished by all lovers of republican institutions. He who would attempt to retard this great work and seek to incite the lawless border element to a breaking up of the existing harmony would be possessed of the remorseless spirit of the piratical Norseman and the inhumanity of the buccaneers, combined with the desperate ambition of the barbarous Huns.

It will only be when Americans have lost their love of freedom