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When having gone further, by chance he did spy,
A beautiful creature just going to die,
A young waiting-maid, who strangled must be,
For nothing but striking a Turkish lady.

To think of her dying, with dread he was fill’d,
Then rivers of tears, like waters distill’d,
Like streams of a fountain, from her eyes ran down
Her red rosy cheeks, and from thence to the ground.
Hearing what her crime was, he, to end the strife,
Said, What must I give for this poor creature’s life?
The answer was turned, an hundred pound,
The which for her pardon he freely paid down.

He said, Fairest creature, thy weeping refrain,
And be of good comfort, thou shalt not be slain;
Behold, I have purchas’d thy pardon, will ye
Be willing to go to fair England with me?
She said, Sir, I thank you, who freed me from death,
I’m bound to obey you so long’s I have breath,
And if you are willing, to fair England I’ll go,
And due respect to you till death I will show.


He brought her to London, and there it is said,
He set up housekeeping, and made her his maid
For to wait upon him, and finding her just,
With the keys of his riches he did her entrust.
At last this young Factor was hired once more,
To cross the proud waves and billows that roar;
And into that country his course was to steer,
Which by this maid’s father was govern’d we hear.