Page:Fair maid in bedlam, or, The deceitful Irish boy.pdf/3

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FArewel my dear jewel, my own heart’s delight,
Since war now alarms you in battle to fight,
Across the wide billows, quite over the main,
Never, no never shall I see you again.

For her true love she moan’d by night & by day,
And exclaim’d ’gainst those that forc’d him away,
I wish that the sword in their breast may remain,
Till my true love returns to my arms back again,

My life for his sake, I freely would yield,
It grieves me to think that his blood should be spill’d;
I’ll go into battle where bullets they do fly,
I’ll fight for my love for my true love I’ll die.

The drums did beat and the trumpets did sound,
The cannons were roaring & shaking the ground,
1: Her heart it did tremble between hope and fear,
Yet she found out the young man she loved so dear.

Across the wide ocean I’ll swim on my breast,
Till I find out my true love I never can rest,
I wish that the bullets may miss him and fly.
And strike thro’ the heart of his great enemy.

When the battle was over, she flew to his arms,
He thought that an angel appeared in her charms;
In his arms he embrac’d her all joy to restore,
But I cannot return till the wars are all o’er.

She went to his Captain an I to him did say,
For this young man’s discharge 40 guineas I’ll pay,
Resolved to marry the man I adore,

For I never can stay till the wars are all o’er.