Page:Fair maid in bedlam, or, The deceitful Irish boy.pdf/8

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What’s life, d’ye see, when our liberty’s gone,
much nobler it were for to die,
So now for old Davy, then plung’d in the main,
ev’n the cherub above heav’d a sigh.


So now for old Davy, then plung'd in the main,
e’en the cherub above heav’d a sigh.


A Walking, a talking, and a walking was I,
To meet my sweet Billy, he’ll come by & by,
To meet him in the meadows is all my delight,
A walking and talking from morning till night.

Meeting is a pleasure, but parting is a grief,
And an inconstant lover is worse than a thief,
A thief can but rob me and take what I have,
But an inconstant lover sends me to my grave.

The grave it will rot me and bring me to dust.
But an inconstant lover no maiden can trust,
They’ll kiss you they'll court you poor girls to deceive
There’s not one in twenty that you can believe.

The cuckoo’s a fine bird, she sings where she flies,
She brings us good tidings and tells us no lies,
She sucks of sweet flowers to keep her voice clear,
The more she sings cuckoo, the summer draws near.

Come all ye pretty maidens wherever ye be,
Don’t settle your love on a sycamore tree,
The leaf it will wither, and the root it will die,
And if I’m forsaken, I know not for why


Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803