Page:Fairies I have met.djvu/78

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Princess. At the same moment the fairy with the emerald arrived from the forest, and the fairy with the sapphire came back from the sea. They flew to the feet of the Dear Princess, and held out the beautiful stones to her.

The Princess clapped her hands and cried—

“Oh, how splendid, how splendid they are! The blue is like a bit of the dark sea, and the green is like the shade of the forest with the sun peeping in, and the red is like the red heart of the fire!”

Then the first fairy laid the sapphire against her dark hair.

“You must wear it on your wedding-day,” he said.

But the second fairy held up the emerald and said—

“No, no, this is what you must wear!”

And the third fairy laughed and cried—

“How silly they are! Any one can see that red Is the colour to wear in your dark hair!”

The Princess looked from one to the other and was puzzled. She thought all the stones were so beautiful that she would have liked to wear them all; but she did not think they would look really nice all together.

“What am I to do?” she said, puckering up her forehead. “How can I choose when they are all so beautiful?”

Then there was a very long discussion about it. Each of the three fairies wished his own stone to be worn, and the Princess could not tell what to do.

“Each of them is quite beautiful,” she said, “but, dear fairies, I am obliged to say that I do not like the look of them all together!”