Page:Fairview Boys and their Rivals.djvu/54

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"Bob, isn't this fine?" cried Frank.

"Jolly!" replied Bob, with vim.

"And the eating—um! um!" gloated Sammy, nibbling at a toasted piece of cheese on the end of a stick.

The big bonfire was in progress, and it was a great success. During the afternoon Dave Duncan and some friends had gathered up all the driftwood along the beach of Rainbow Lake for half a mile. It was now blazing cheerily.

Others of the crowd had brought the eatables. A farmer's boy had donated a quarter of a cheese. Another had brought a whole ham, home-smoked. The baker's boy had come on the scene with a box of crackers and some doughnuts.

It was a regular toasting bee. The great fire cast a cheery glow out over the beautiful blue waters of the lake. It lit up a group of lively, happy faces. The crowd roasted potatoes, ham, crackers and cheese. Forks made out of branches were used as toasters, and the novelty and variety gave the boys wonderful appetites.

"I'm sorry Ben Travers and Dick Hazelton are missing this," said Dave, sprinkling some salt into a luscious, roasted potato.

"Yes, they promised to come," spoke Sammy.

"Here they are, now!" cried Bob, as two welcome figures came into the glow of the campfire.

"Hurrah!" shouted half a dozen jubilant voices.