Page:Fairy-book - fairy tales of the allied nations.djvu/166

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In the course of conversation the Prince happened to mention that he was on the track of one Bashtchelik, who had run off with his wife against her will.

‘Bashtchelik!’ exclaimed the Dragon King. ‘My dear brother, I beseech you, seek him not. This kingdom itself put out five thousand strong, and took him unawares. But he escaped by a trick, gave battle to ten thousand of my picked dragons, fought his retreat to the mountains, and so escaped triumphant. Man to man—you against Bashtchelik—you cannot hope to win. If you will go back to your home, I will give you an escort and three asses laden with gold.’

‘Three asses laden with gold!’ said the Prince. ‘I thank you much, but I have better than that: I have three lives, which I won from Bashtchelik himself. I will seek him and reclaim my wife.’

The Dragon King wondered at his words; then, plucking a feather from his wing, he said, ‘You are determined, and I wish you well. Take this feather, and, if at any time you want my aid, burn it and I will come to you instantly with ten thousand chosen dragons.’

The Prince thanked him, and placed the feather in his girdle. The next morning he took leave of his sister and the Dragon King, and set out in search of Bashtchelik.

He left the city and crossed a desert, where he endured fatigues and encountered perils; but still, by his strong right arm, he preserved his three lives. Then, at last, he came to a city; and, as he took the mainway of it, the same thing happened as before. It was a woman’s voice calling from a castle tower: ‘O Prince! Dismount and come in hither!’

Again he made his way into a courtyard, and again he was met by a woman—his second sister—who greeted him with joy. Soon she led him into her boudoir, and immediately he asked: ‘My sister, who is your husband?’

‘He is the Eagle King,’ said she.

Then, as it had happened with the Dragon King, so it happened with the Eagle King. He came whirring home from a great height,