Page:Fairy-book - fairy tales of the allied nations.djvu/197

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Princess became very curious to see all the beauties that the barque must contain inside.

She made her way aboard. Inside she found it lined with lovely velvet, the seats of pure gold and the walls studded with diamonds; then, all of a sudden, the barque turned and went out to sea. The Princess ran up and caught hold of the oars, thinking to get back to her castle; but it was no use: she could do nothing at all. On and on went the barque and the poor little Princess wept bitterly at this new sorrow that had come to her.

‘Magotine is doing me a bad turn again,’ she thought, so she abandoned herself to her fate, hoping that she would die. ‘Just after I was looking forward to a little pleasure in seeing my parents yesterday, comes one catastrophe on another; and now my sister is going to be married to a great Prince. What have I done that I should have to live alone in a desert spot because of my ugliness? Alas I for my company I have only a serpent—who speaks!’

These reflections brought tears from the Princess, and she gazed on every side to see which way death was coming for her. While looking and gazing she saw, approaching on the waves, a serpent, flashing green in the sunlight. He came up to the side of the barque and said: ‘If you are good enough to receive help from a poor Green Serpent, tell me, for I am in a position to save your life.’

‘Death is nothing to me compared to the sight of you,’ cried the Princess; ‘and, if you really want to do me a favour, never show yourself before my eyes again.’

The Green Serpent gave a big sigh (for that is the way of serpents in love), and, without replying at all, he dived to the bottom of the sea.

‘What a horrible monster!’ said the Princess to herself. ‘His body is of a thousand green colours, and he has eyes like fire. I would rather die than that he should save my life. What love can he have for me, and by what right does he speak like a human being?’

Suddenly a voice replied to her thoughts, and it said, ‘Listen,