Page:Fairy-book - fairy tales of the allied nations.djvu/207

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Laideronnette walked for a long time without finding the right path, turning first one way and then the other; then suddenly she saw the Fairy Protectress, who said to her:

‘Do you know, beautiful Queen, that by the orders of Magotine your husband is to remain as he is until you take the Essence of Life to that wicked fairy?’

‘I am yet a long way away,’ said Laideronnette.

‘Here,’ said the Fairy Protectress, ‘see, here is a branch of a tree: touch the earth and repeat this verse distinctly.’

The Queen once again kissed the knees of this really good and generous fairy, and at the same time repeated after her:

‘Thou who all malice canst disarm,
Protect me as I rove!
Deliver me from, all who harm,
But not from him I love.
For, if devoured I am to be,
He is my monster—none but he!’

And immediately, in answer to her prayer, a little boy more beautiful than any in heaven or earth came up to her. On his head was a garland of flowers, and in his hand a bow and arrow. The Queen knew at once that it was Love. He said to her:

‘You appeal to me so tenderly that I deserted the heavens.’ Love, who sang beautifully in verse, gave three knocks while singing this song:

‘Earth, listen and my voice obey.
It is Love who speaks: reveal the way!’

The earth obeyed: a path opened up, and Love took Laideronnette under his protection; and so they arrived at the mouth of hell. She expected to see her husband in the form of a serpent, but he had just finished his terrible punishment. The first thing that Laideronnette saw was indeed her husband; but she had never seen such a charming figure, nor any one so handsome;