"The oceans god, by whom shall be o'erthrown(Styx heard his oath) the tyrant Oberon.See here, beneath a toadstools deadly gloomLies Albion him the fates your leader doom.Hear and obey; 'tis Neptunes powerful call,By him Azuriel and his king shall fall." She said. They bow'd: and on their shields upbore,With shouts, their new-saluted emperor.Even Oriel smiled at least to smile he strove,And hopes of vengeance triumph'd over love. See now the mourner of the lonely shadeBy gods protected, and by hosts obey'd,A slave, a chief, by fickle Fortunes play,In the short course of one revolving day.What wonder if the youth, so strangely bless'd,Felt his heart flutter in his little breast!His thick embattled troops, with secret pride,He views extended half an acre wide;More light he treads, more tall he seems to rise,And struts a straw-breadth nearer to the skies. O for thy muse, great bard,[1] whose lofty strainsIn battle join'd the pygmies and the cranes!Each gaudy knight, had I that warmth divine,Each colour'd legion in my verse should shine.But simple I, and innocent of art,The tale, that soothed my infant years, impart,
- ↑ Mr. Addison.