"Twixt sleep and wake, I do them take, And on the 'clay-cold' floor them throw, If out they cry, Then forth I fly, And loudly laugh I, ho, ho, ho!
When any need to borrow ought, We lend them what they do require;And for the use demand we nought; Our own is all we do desire: If to repay They do delay, Abroad amongst them then I go; And night by night I them affright, With pinching, dreams, and ho, ho, ho!
When lazy queans have nought to do, But study how to cog and lie,To make debate, and mischief too, "Twixt one another secretly, I mark their glose, And it disclose To them that they have wronged so; When I have done I get me gone, And leave them scolding, ho, ho, ho!