but with all the enquyrie they could possibly use, nothing more then is aforesaid could of them bee understood. In memorie whereof it was then ordayned, That from thence-foorth no drum, pype, or other instrument should bee sounded in the street leading to the gate through which they had passed; nor no osterie to bee there holden: and it was also established, that, from that tyme forward, in all publyke wrytings that should bee made in that town, after the date therein set down of the yeare of our lord, the date of the yeare of the going foorth of their children should bee added; the which they have accordingly ever since continued: and this great wonder hapned on the 22. day of July, in the yeare of our lord one thowsand three hundreth, seaventie and six.[1]
- ↑ Verstegans Restitution of decayed intelligence: Antwerp, 1605, 4to. p. 85.