Times were when practize also preacht, and well-said was well-done,When courtiers cleerd the old before they on the new would run.When no judiciall place was bought, lest justice might be sould,When quirts, nor quillets, overthrew, or long did causes hold,When lawyers more deservd their fees, and fatted lesse with gold.When to the fifteenth psalme, sometimes, had citizens recourse,When lords of farmers, farmers of the poore had more remorse.When Povertie had Patience more: when none, as some of late,Illiterate, ridiculous, might on the altar wate.When canons, rubrick, liturgie, and discipline throughoutOne shiftlesse practise had, not to indifferencie a flout.More than be convocations now, Diocessors were stout.Although in clarks pluralities were tolerated thenOf lemmens (livings should I say) are now of clargie-men.