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on curlious rings should drop valuable jewels. One of the king's favourites overhearing the discourse, went and informed the king thereof, who ordered them so come to him, and being charmed with the modesty of Blondina, he resolved to marry her: As did his brother, and the admiral, the other two. But when the queen-mother who was the most cruel of all women, heard that the king and prince were married to two girls of obscure birth, she flew into such a passion, as frightened the whole court.

The fair queen and the princess were united by a strict friendship, but Rosetta envied them for their good fortune; which made her enter into all the queen mother’s measures who only waited an opportunity to do Brunetta and Blondina, all the mischief she could. The queen and princess both proved with child, but by ill fortune a war happened which obliged the king to put himself at the head of his troops; so taking leave of his spouse with great tenderness, he departed.

Whilst the king was at the wars, the queen was brought to bed of two boys and a girls, with stars in their foreheads, and chains of gold about their necks, as was the princess the same day of a beautiful boy; but Brunetta died in the birth. Rousetta's thoughts were wholly employed how to injure the queen; and seeing such charming children and that she herself had none her encreased, and she resolved to speak with the queen-mother. I have said she, to her, a little bitch that has just pupped two dogs and a bitch, with stars on their foreheads and rings about their necks. We must make the queen believe she has been delivered of these creatures, and make away with