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Bright sun, the second son Felix, and the Princess’s son Cherry.

They lived with the Corsair and his wife till they grew up, when they expressed a great desire to travel; the Corsair agreed to their request, and they set out altogether, and travelled till they without knowing it, came to the very place of their nativity.

The news of the arrival of four such extraordinary personages, soon reached the ears of the queen-mother; who collecting the circumstances of the stars and chains of gold, was struck with amazement, and retiring to her closet sent for Feihtifa, who coming half dead with fear, cast herself at her feet, told her all she had done, and promised to destroy them.

Accordingly she went to their house, and being introduced to Fair-star, complimented her on her beauty, but told her she wanted one thing quite necessary, and that was the dancing water, which had the power of making every one handsome to the greatest degree that was possessed of it, and added, it was no where to be got but in the burning forest.

Cherry, when he went home from hunting, observed Fair-star to be sorrowful, and asking her the reason, she told him. Cherry, who loved her greatly, took no further notice of the affair; but while his sister was busy, mounted his horse and rode away.

He travelled till he came to the top of a hill, and being faint with the heat of the burning forest, stopped at a rivulet to drink, when he had done drinking, he perceived a turtle drowning, and taking pity on it, and having wiped the feathers, put it in his bosom, where it recovered.