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nigh a, great city, and made the best fricasees and ragouts imaginable insomuch that she had a considerable trade.

One day there came a little woman to her house. I am come said she to the Princess, to make a good meal before I die, that I may brag I have had one. As the princess had at that time her hands fully employed, she called down her three daughters, whole names were Rousetta, Brunetta, and Blondina, but the youngest was the handsomest and best natured. The daughters soon set before the old woman a very good dinner, which she ate with an extraordinary appetite. When she had done, she rose up saying, honest friends, had I any money I would pay you; but I have been poor these many years and wanted so kind an entertainment as you have given me; however assure yourselves, the first wish you make without thinking on me, shall be completed. Then she went away leaving them some reasons to think her a fairy.

One day the king going a hunting resolved to call at the house, to see if the princess was as notable a cook as she was reported to be. The three sisters were in the garden gathering strawberries, when he passed by Ah! said Rosetta, was I so happy as to marry the Admiral, I boast that I could spin thread enough to make sails for his whole navy And I said Brunetta, was my fortune so good that I should marry the King's brother, I would work lace enough with my needle to hang his palace. And I said Blondina, would the King have me, I boast at the end of nine months, to bring him forth two fine boys and a girl, with stars in their foreheads, and chains of gold about their necks, from whose hair hanging