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sword after some hours hard working, he found a complete suit of armour for man and horse, all of glass: he had however scarce got it on, before the dragon that guarded the apple, came roaring towards him; but when he saw his own terrible figure multiplied so many times in the Prince's glass-armour, he ran away, frighted to see so many such monsters as himself. After that, Cherry searching about, discovered with joy the beautiful tree, and breaking of the bough that bore the apple he made haste back to present it to his beloved Fair-star.

When the wicked Feintisa heard of Prince Cherry's success she could hardly contain herself; but repaired to Fair-star, who as soon as she saw her, cried, Ah! keep your advice to yourself, for though the benefits I receive are great, they make not amends for the uneasiness I am under. You must notwithstanding that be told, said Feintisa, that you want the little green bird, who tells every thing; and then left her abruptly.

Fair-star reflected how great pleasure it would be to them to know their parents, and thereupon cried; Cherry, who came in soon after from hunting, saw it and asked the cause, which she refused to tell him; he thereupon threatened to kill himself, and by that means extorted the secret from her, but she insisted, that he should not with his life seek to satisfy her desires. However as soon as she and her brothers were retired to their chambers; he mounted his horse again, and went away without saying a word to any one.

The Prince wandered up and down, asking all he met where he might find the Green Bird, to be short, one morning by sun rise, he perceived a rock, which was very high and craggy, and on the