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Jer. 32. 39.40.' And I will give them one heart and one
way, that they may fear me for ever, for the good of them,
and of their children after them. And I will make an e-
verlaſting covenant with them, that I will not turn away
from them to do them good; but I will put my fear in their
hearts, that they ſhall not depart from me. Ezek. 36. 26.
A new heart alſo will I give you, and a new ſpirit will I
put within you; and I will take away the ſtony heart out
of your fleſh, &c. Jer. 31 33. But this ſhall be the cove-
nant that I will make with the houſe of Iſrael, after thoſe
days, faith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward
parts, and write it in their hearts, and I will be their God;
and they ſhall be my people.' And in Pſalm 89. through-
our. It is called a covenant of Grace; becauſe grace is
the beginning and the end, the foundation and top-ſtone
of it: even grace reigning thro' righteouſneſs. It is cal-
led a covenant of Mercy; becauſe therein mercy to the
miſerable is proclaimed thro' juſtice ſatisfying blood; for
there mercy and truth met together;' and all the ſure
mercies of David' are conveyed thereby. It is called a co-
venant of Peace and Reconciliation; becauſe it both treats
of peace with God, and makes it good. It is called a co-
venant of Promiſe; becauſe it lies in promiſes with refe-
rence to us, and there to be accompliſhed upon the condi-
tion already fulfilled in Chriſt's obedience and ſatisfaction;
and becauſe therein the faithfulneſs of God is pledged, for
making out all the promiſes to believers, and the children
of promiſe. It is called a covenant of Salt; becauſe it is
an incorruptible word, 'an everlaſting covenant, well or-
dered in all things and ſure.' In a word it is a covenant
of Help to poor, helpleſs ſinners, ſaying, "I lave laid help
upon one that is mighty. O Iſrael, thou haſ deſtroyed thy-
ſelf, but in me is thy help.' It is a covenant of Pardon to
the guilty, ſaying, 'I, even I, am be that blotteth out thy
tranſgreſſions for mine own fake, and I will not remember
thy sins. It is a covenant of Supply to the needy, ſaying,
' When the poor and needy ſeek water, and there is none,
and their tongue faileth for thirst, I, the Lord, will hear
them, I, the God of Iſrael will not forſake them.' It is
a covenant of Gifts wherein grace and glory are freely gi-
ven; and in the diſpenſation thereof, God ſays, come, and
take all freely, himſelf, his Chriſt, his Spirit, and all, Rev.
22. 17. Iſa. 55.1.