Page:Faith's plea upon God's covenant (3).pdf/7

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He hath reſpect to every article of the covenant, not a
jot ſhall fall to the ground.
4. He hath an everlaſting reſpect to the covenant; there-
fore it is called an everlaſting covenant,' it is ſecured by
an everlaſting righteouſneſs; it is made between everlaſting
parties; it is repleniſhed with everlaſting bleſſings; it is
rooted in his everlaſting love: therefore he is ever mindful
of his covenant, and will never ceaſe to have reſpect to it.
Well then, ſay you, what need we pray and plead, that
he would have reſpect to his covenant? Why, if it be ſure
that he hath, and will for ever have, a reſpect to the cove-
nant, then we may pray with the more aſſurance and confi-
dence; ſo that there is here ſtrong footing for our prayer:
but beſides, when we pray, and fay; Have reſpect unto
the covenant,' we ſeek, that he would thew the reſpect
that he hath unto it, that he would ſhew and make it ma-
nifeſt unto us, that we may have the faith of it, and enjoy
the fruits of it, and the bleſſed effects of that reſpect to it
in our participation of the bleſſings thereof.
V. The next thing was, to ſhew why lie will have re-
ſpect to his covenant; and conſequently, whence it is ſuch
a ſuitable plea and argument for us. Why,
1. When he hath reſpect to the covenant, he hath reſpect
to himſelf; the framer of it he owns himſelf to be, Pſalm
89 3. I have made a covenant with my choſen. Why
then the ſtrength of the plea is, ' have reſpect unto the co-
venant,' and ſo have reſpect to thyſelf, and thy own glori-
ous name and attributes, and let them be glorified, in ſhew-
ing regard to the covenant, Have reſpect to thy wiſdom
that lines in the contrivance of the covenant, the mani-
fold wiſdom of God; yea, the wiſdom of God in a myſte-
ry' that here appears. Have reſpect to thy power that ſhines
in the efficacy of the covenant, not only for over-power-
ing principalities and powers, but overcoming thyſelf, and
the power of thine own wrath, by the power of thy love.
Have reſpect to thy holineſs, that shines in the holy cash
of Jehovah, by which it is confirmed, and the holy obedi-
ence of Jeſus, by which it is fulfilled; ſo that, as by
the Sinful diſobedience of one many were made ſinners, by
the Holy obedience of another Glorious One, many are
made righteous.' Have reſpect to thy juſtice, that ſhines
in the blood of the covenant, the ſacrifice by which juſtice
hath condign and infinite ſatisfaction. Have reſpect to thy