grace, ſaying, 'There is a fountain opened to the houſe of David and the inhabitants of Jeruſalem, for ſin and for uncleanneſs.' O then plead he may have reſpect to the covenant Are you in darkneſs and ignorance, having no knowledge of God? O here is a covenant of enlightening grace, ſaying, 'They ſhall all be taught of God,' O then plead it, ſaying, 'Lord, have reſpect to the covenant.' Are you under deadneſs, and like dead and dry bones? O here is a covenant of quickening grace, ſaying, 'I am come to give life, and to give it more abundantly. The hour cometh, when the dead ſhall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear ſhall live,' O then plead that he may 'have reſpect to the covenant.' Are you in confuſion, and know not what way to take? Oh here is a covenant of directing grace, ſaying, 'I will bring the blind by a way they know not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known; I will make darkneſs light before them, and crooked things ſtraight.' Are you under ſad plagues and ſoul-diſeaſes, over-run with ſores, from the crown of the head to the ſole of the foot? O here is a covenant of healing grace, ſaying, 'The Sun of righteouſneſs ſhall ariſe with healing in his wings. I am the Lord that healeth thee; I will heal your backſlidings.' O then plead, ſaying, Lord, 'Have reſpect to the covenant.' Are you in extreme danger of hell and damnation, becauſe of your ſin and guilt? O here is a covenant of delivering grace, ſaying, 'Deliver his ſoul from going down to the pit, for I have found a ranſom, O then plead it, and ſay, Lord, 'Have reſpect to the covenant.' Are you in bondage unto ſin, Satan, and the world, a captive unto luſt, and ſhut up in unbelief, as in a priſon? O