there ſhall be a defence;' therefore, even when enemies 'break down the carved works with axes and hammers,' verſe 7. When they are ſaying, 'Let us deſtroy them together,' ver. 8. Yea, when it ſhall come to this, that a bloody ſword, that is raging abroad, ſhall come over to us, and that foreign or domeſtic enemies, or both, ſhall devour and deſtroy, and may be 'burn up all the ſynagogues of God in the land,' as it is, ver. 8 And when we ſhall 'not ſee our ſigns, and there is no more any prophet, nor any among us that know the time how long,' ver. 9. In all ſuch caſes, what courſe ſhall we take but that of the Pſalmiſt here? Lord, 'Have reſpect to the covenant.'
Are you concerned about inward enemies, ſpiritual enemies, and moleſted with the powers of darkneſs? Is your heart full of the habitations of cruelty, and fearfully inhabited with cruel devils, cruel luſts, cruel corruptions that maſter and conquer, and prevail againſt you, ſo that you may ly many a time wounded and dead at the enemy's feet? O here is a covenant of ſin-conquering grace, not only a covenant of mercy to your ſoul, but of vengeance to your luſts, ſaying, 'The day of vengeance is in mine heart, the year of my Redeemer is come,' Iſa. lxiii. 4. O then cry down the promiſed vengeance on all your cruel ſoul-enemies, ſaying, Lord, 'Have reſpect to the covenant.'
Are you concerned about your ſoul-poverty and indigence, not only oppreſſed with enemies without and within, but alſo oppreſſed with wants and neceſſities, being abſolutely poor and needy, deſtitute of all good? O here is a covenant of ſoul-ſupplying grace, and of all needful proviſion, ſaying 'When the poor and needy ſeek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirſt, I the