1. 'Have reſpect to the covenant;' that is, to the Mediator of the covenant. Though thou oweſt no reſpect to me, yet doſt not thou owe reſpect, and haſt thou not a greater reſpect to the Mediator of the covenant, even to him whom thou haſt 'given to be a covenant of the people?' For his ſake let me be pitied; have reſpect to the relation he bears to the covenant, even to him who is the Mediator, Teſtator, Witneſs, Meſſenger, Surety of, and ALL the covenant. Have reſpect to his offices, and let him get the glory of his ſaving offices. It is a ſtrong plea to plead with God upon the reſpect he bears to Chriſt; God cannot win over ſuch a plea as that. He muſt own his regard and reſpect to Chriſt, who hath paid ſuch a reſpect to him, and 'finiſhed the work that he gave him to do.'
7. Have reſpect to the covenant, by having reſpect to the blood of the covenant. The blood of Chriſt, that is repreſented in the ſacrament of the ſupper, it is the 'blood of the covenant,' called, 'the New Teſtament in his blood;' becauſe all the promiſes are ſealed therewith, and ſo, 'Yea and Amen in Chrift;' this is the condition of the new covenant. The covenant of works had only the active obedience of the firſt Adam for its condition: but the condition of the covenant of grace properly, is both the active and paſſive obedience of the ſecond Adam, his doing and dying. Now, Lord, have reſpect to that blood that ſealed the covenant: ſince the condition is fulfilled to thy infinite ſatisfaction, let the promiſed good be conferred upon me.
3. Have reſpect to the covenant, by having reſpect to the oath of the covenant, Heb. vi. 17. The promiſe is confirmed with the covenant of God; 'That by two immutable things wherein it is impoſſible for God to lie, we might have ſtrong conſolation,'