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mountain cannot be hid.Contra Litteras Petil. L. ii. c. xxxii. Ibid. p. 240—“ I understand, indeed, very little of the Greek language, but I can safely say, that the word Catholic, derived from it, signifies universal, agreeably to what our Saviour said: you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, and in all Judæa, and Samaria, and even to the uttermost parts of the earth. (Acts i. 8.) Hence is this Church named Catholic. But you Donatists, with your eyes shut, run so blindly against the mountain, which, as the prophet Daniel says, hath filled the whole earth, as to assert, that we are a party; that we belong not to the whole; while our communion is diffused through all nations." xxxviii. p. 247.—“May God withdraw thee from the side of Donatus, and recall thee to the Church. You are not on the mountains of Sion, because you are not in the city seated on a mountain, which has this sure mark, that it cannot be hidden. It is, therefore, known to all nations:[1] the party of Donatus is unknown to many; wherefore, it is not that city.” Ibid. L. ii. c. civ. p. 293.


If the Church, as we have now seen, be always visible it is plain, that it cannot fail; for if it failed, it would cease to be visible, as it would cease to be.


Mat. xvi. 18. “And I say to thee, Thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Ibid. xxviii. 18, 19, 20. And Jesus coming spoke to them, saying: all power is given to

  1. Abscondi non ptoest. Nota est ergo ominibus gentibus