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the waves, but she is not moved by them, being rather prepared to render assistance, than herself obnoxious to danger:[1] so that if any, tossed about by violent tempests, wish to take refuge in the port, the Church may be at hand, a port of safety, with outstretched arms to call the sufferers into the bosom of her tranquillity, and to afford to them a safe haven.” De Bened. Patr. c. v. T. 1. p. 521. Coloniæ, 1616. “The Church is shaken by the waves of worldly care, but she is not overwhelmed; she is assailed, but not overturned ........Herself exempt from danger, she beholds the shipwrecks of others.”[2] De Abraham, L. ii. c. 3. T. 1. p. 318. “The Church appears, like the moon, to wane; but, in fact, she does not. She may be overshadowed, but she cannot fail.”[3] Hexaëm. L. iv. c. 2. T. 1. p. 65. “Although it (the Church) is often tossed about by waves and storms, it can never suffer shipwreck, because Christ is raised upon its mast, which is the Cross; the Father sits as the pilot at the stern; and the Holy Ghost watches the prow.[4] Through the narrow straits of this world, twelve rowers, that is the twelve Apostles, and an equal number of Prophets, bring it into port.” De Salom. c. iv. T. ii. In Append. p. 453.

St. Jerom, L. C. “Hence we plainly understand that the Church may be assailed to the end of the world, but not be overturned; may be tried, but not conquered;[5] and this because the Almighty, the Lord of the Church, has so promised, whose promise is a law.” In c. ix. Amos. T. iii. p. 1454.

  1. Circa fluctibus itaque habitat, non fluctibus commovetur, magisque ad subvendium parata, quam periculo obnoxia.
  2. Non subruitur.....non labefactatur......ipsa immunis et exors periculi.
  3. Non deficit......deficere non potest.
  4. Nunquam potest sustinere naufragium: quia in arbore ejus, is est eruce, Christus erigitur; in puppi Pater residet gubernator: proram Paraclitus servat Spiritus.
  5. Nequaquam posse subverti; tentari, non superai.