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St. Athansius, G.C. “Let us again consider,” &c. See the passage, p. 16.

St. Hilary, L. C. “From the One Church of the Apostles proceed many others, and many tents ; but in all these is the same heavenly repose.” In Psal. cxxxi. p. 452.

Lucifer, Bishop of Caligari, L. C. See p. 39.

St. Basil, G.C. “If we depart from the life-giving root, the faith in Christ; like withered branches, we are cast out and committed to the flames. For if we do not rest on the foundation of the Apostles, being unsupported, we are lost.”[1] Com. in Isaiam. T. 1. p. 391.

St. Ephrem, G.C. “The heretics should here be urged each one to shew the time of his origin; which can plead the highest antiquity. And when they shall have settled this dispute, let them be distinctly asked from whom they received the imposition of hands? If from us, and they afterwards rejected it, more need not be known. And if they took it from themselves, we may be satisfied, and they may well blush. Thus to acquire the priesthood, any one may impose hands on himself.” Serm. xxii. adv. Hæres. T. v. p. 487. Edit. Quirini. “The twelve Apostles cultivated the world, and no part of it was called by the name of the husbandman; but when they were dead, tares sprung up, and these communicated their names.” Ibid. Serm. xxiii. p. 489.

St. Optatuus, L. C. “We prove to you (the Donatists) that the Catholic Church is that which is diffused through the whole earth;” and then observing that the fact of having possessed a chair in which an Apostle sat, is a sure mark of that Church, he instances Rome, where Peter, the head of all the Apostles, sat; and proceeds to enumerate the succession of Bishops from him to Siricius, “with whom,” he says, “we and all the world are united in communion.” Then he addresses the Donatists: “You, who would wil-

  1. (Symbol missingGreek characters)