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be deemed unworthy of mercy, nor so good as to be entitled to immediate happiness. So also, at the resurrection of the dead, there will some be found, to whom mercy will be imparted, having gone through those pains, to which the spirits of the dead are liable. Otherwise it would not have been said of some with truth, that their sin shall not be forgiven, neither in this world, nor in the world to come (Matt. xii. 32.) unless some sins were remitted in the next world.” Ibid. c. xxiv. p. 642.—“It cannot be denied, that the souls of the dead are relieved by the piety of the living, when the sacrifice of our Mediator is offered for them, or alms are distributed in the Church.[1] They are benefited, who so lived, as to have deserved such favours. For there is a mode of life, not so perfect as not to require this assistance, nor so bad as to be incapable of receiving aid.—The practice of the Church in recommending the souls of the departed, is not contrary to the declaration of the Apostle, which says: We must all appear before the judgement-seat of Christ, that every one may receive the proper things of the body, according as he hath done, whether it be good or evil: (2 Cor. v. 10.) For this merit each one, in his life, has acquired, to be aided by the good works of the living. But all are not aided: and why so?—Because all have not lived alike. When therefore the sacrifice of the altar or alms are offered for the dead; in regard to those whose lives were very good, such offices may be deemed acts of thanksgiving ; acts of propitiation for the imperfect; and though to the wicked they bring no aid, they may give some comfort to the living.” Enchirid. c. cx. T. vi. p. 238.—“Lord chastise me not in thy anger: May I not be numbered with those, to whom thou wilt say: Go into eternal fire, which hath been prepared for the devil and his angels. Cleanse me so in this life, make me such, that I may not

  1. Neque negandum est, defunctorum anima pietate suorum viventium relvari cum pro illis sacrificium mediatoris offertur, vel eleemosynæ in Ecclesia fiunt.