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in various passages of his writings. See Bibl. PP. T. vi. p. 163, &c.

Theodoret, G. C.—“In the day of the coming of the Lord, a strict enquiry will be made; and them, who shall have lived well, like gold and silver, the fire will render more shining; but it will burn, like stubble and chaff, such as shall have wrought iniquity.” In c. iii. Ep. 1. ad Cor. T. iii. p. 134.—The same Theodoret represents the Emperor Theodosius the younger, kneeling before the tomb of St. Chrysostom, and praying for his parents, Arcadius and Eudoxia,“ that God would pardon the sins,[1] which they had, through imprudence, committed. For they had been long dead.” Hist. Eccles. Lib. v. c. xxxvi. p. 236.

St. Nilus, G. C.—“To be grieved, to weep, and fast immoderately, for the death of a relation, indicates unbelief and the want of hope. He, who believes that he will rise again from the grave, will feel comfort; will return thanks to God; will change his tears into joy; will pray that he may obtain eternal mercy,[2] and will himself turn to the correction of his own failings.” L. i. Ep. cccxi. T. 11. p. 115.

{{sc|Arnobius the Younger,[3] L. C.-" They who offer money or gifts to the Churches, and die in their sins, do it, in order that they may be raised to eternal life by our prayers.”[4] Bibl. PP. Max. T. viii. p. 298.

Liturgy of Jerusalem, G. C.—“Again and again, we commemorate all the faithful departed, those who are departed in the true faith, from this holy altar, and from this town, and from every country; those, who in the true faith

  1. (Symbol missingGreek characters)
  2. (Symbol missingGreek characters)
  3. He lived towards the close of the fifth century, and has left us a commentary on the Psalms.
  4. Ut nostris precibus reviviscant.