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and not the man, should seem to be injured, the right of Ordination is not repeated before the people.” Contra. Ep. Parmen. L. ii. c. xiii. T. ix. p. 44.—“Let the Donatists explain, how the baptismal Sacrament is not lost, and that of Order is. For if both be Sacraments, as is not doubted, the same must be the case of both. Wrong must be done to neither.” Ibid. p.45.-The same sentiment, that Order is a Sacrament, whereby grace is conferred, is repeated in many other works of the same learned Saint.

St. Leo, L. C. “Besides the authority of general practice, which we know to have come down from the teaching of the Apostles, the Scripture declares, that when Paul and Barnabas, by the command of the Holy Spirit, were sent to preach the Gospel to the gentiles, they (Simon, Lucius, and Manahen,) fasting and praying, laid their hands upon them. And this, that we might know, how great should be the caution of them that give and of them that receive, that the Sacrament of so high a grace be not performed negligently." Ep. xi. al. lxxxi. ad Dioscor. Alex. p. 436.—“ It is our duty to follow the Apostolic rule, and to admit no one, however excellent be his qualifications, and his conduct holy, to the degree of Deacon, or the honour of the Priesthood, or the sublime dignity of Episcopacy, if it shall appear, that he has been the husband of more than one wife, or that his wife had had another husband.”—He proceeds to lay down many excellent rules on this head, and to enforce the laws of ancient discipline, in order, that such as are to be promoted to clerical offices in the Church, be free from every stain, and endowed with every Christian virtue. Ep. i. al. lxxxvii. ad Ep. Afric. p. 401.


“ Since it is evident, from the testimony of Scripture, Apostolical Tradition, and the unanimous consent of the