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Origen, G.C. “We have the days of Lent consecrated to fasting. Also the fourth and sixth days of the week, on which we solemnly fast” Homil. x. in Levit. T. ii. p. 246.


Council of Laodicea, G.C.—This Council, which was held in Asia Minor about 364, among its various Canons, enacts : “ That all the days of Lent must be observed in fasting, and not Thursday in the last week be excepted.” Can. 1. Conc. Gen. T. i. p. 1506.

St. Athanasisus, G. C.—“These things were transacted (by Gregory the Arian) in the holy time of Lent itself, about the Feast of Easter, when the brethren fasted.” In Encycl. T. i. p. 114.

St. Basil, G. C.—" To them who willingly undertake it, fasting is at all times profitable; but chiefly now, when a solemn fast is every where published. There is no island, no continent, no city, no nation, no corner of the earth, where it is not heard.—Let no one then exclude himself from the number of fasters; in which number, every age, all ranks, take their place.” Homil. ii. de Jejun. T. ii. p. 11.

St. EPHREM OF EDESSA, G. C.-.“ Observe the fast of forty days, and give your bread to the hungry man.” In Cant. Spirit. T. iii. p. 570.

St. GREGORY OF Nyssa, G. C.-" The body may enjoy its ten months, and something more. Let me have Lent, and the whole of it, in order to free myself from the mire." Serm. in Princip. Jejunii. In append. T. iii. op. St. Basil. p. 253. Edit. Paris. 1618.

St. AMBROSE, L. C.-“Except Saturday and Sunday, we