[ 22 ]
- Nequaquam vacuum.
- Legis Fugum.
- Libertas Evangelij.
- Dei gloria intacta.
This is all clear and bright, as alſo the ſeventh ſide and the two Heptagoni: ſo we kneeled altogether down, and gave thanks to the ſole wiſe, ſole mighty, and ſole eternal God, who hath taught us more them all mens wit could have found out, praiſed be his holy name. This Vault we parted in three parts. the upper part or ſieling, the wall or ſide, the ground or floor.
Of the upper part you ſhall underſtand no more of it at this time, but that it was divided according to the ſeven ſides in the triangle, which was in the bright center; but what therein is contained, you ſhall God willing (that are deſirous of our ſociety) behold the ſame with your own eys; but every ſide or wall is parted into ten ſquares, every one with their ſeveral figures and ſentences, as they are truly ſhewed, and ſet forth Concentratum here in our book.
The bottom again is parted in the triangle, but becauſe therein is diſcribed the power